Прав ли Джон Серль?

Jan 15, 2011 13:47

когда говорит следующее:

The problem that all these guys (он имеет в виду постмодернистов вроде Рорти) have is that once you give me that first premise--that there is a reality that exists totally independently of us--then the other steps follow naturally. Step 1, external realism: You've got a real world that exists independently of human beings. And step 2: Words in the language can be used to refer to objects and states of affairs in that external reality. And then step 3: If 1 and 2 are right, then some organization of those words can state objective truth about that reality. Step 4 is we can have knowledge, objective knowledge, of that truth.

И если он не прав, то в чем его ошибка?
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