Things I've almost made posts about recently: A List

Dec 10, 2012 23:36

Things I've almost made posts about recently: A List

  1. PAUL FREAKING MCCARTNEY. My parents, TA Boy, and I drove up to Vancouver BC the Sunday after Thanksgiving to see him play and it was completely amazing. I'll admit that I've been rather privileged with concerts and am used to being way up front (I loves me my general admission), but we just weren't going to spend $300+ per ticket to make that happen so we were pretty far back. I spent the first song or two feeling a bit jealous of everyone near the front, but the wonderfulness of it all soon overshadowed any stupid entitlement I was feeling. You guys, I cannot understand how he puts on such a powerful (and long omg) set at age 70. Like, far younger performers normally can't play for three hours with that energy level. What is this wizardry??? ♥
  2. Classes for this quarter are almost over! I just have one presentation tomorrow and then I'm all done. I ended up loving my html class (and am signed up for the continuation of it in Winter quarter), but my photoshop class was kinda meh due to the teacher being not terrific. :/ I still got something out of it, but it could've been a lot better.
  3. MCR songs! So far my favorite single is Boy Division, followed closely by Ambulance. I seem to like Tomorrow's Money less and Gun. more than most people do, based on the reactions I've seen.
  4. Relatedly: Do we know the story behind the Zero Zero by DannyTheStreet loveliness? I am not up with my internet stocking and therefore know nothing except that Gerard posted it, clearly sang it, and that I love it. Have there been other posted-to-twitter-off-the-cuff-song-type-things that I've missed?
  5. I...still really love Hart of Dixie. I know no one cares, and I'm pretty embarrassed about it, and yet feel compelled to tell you all. So there. :p
  6. I'm gonna be making my holiday cards soon, but there's still time to fill out this poll if you want one. If you're on my flist, I would love to send you a card. Yes, you. :)
  7. Speaking of mail, this fandom penpal thing looks awesome!

hart of dixie, life stuff, concert!, link, lists are fun, mcr, school, paul mccartney

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