Blah blah blah

Oct 12, 2012 19:30

I keep wanting to post here and then not doing it because I can't figure out how to write down the things I want to say. It used to be fairly natural to update about what was happening in my life or a band/tv show/movie/etc that I was excited about, but now it just feels like a big production to plan out exactly what I'm going to write. I miss having more of a record of my life on here. Unfortunately I haven't fallen in love with twitter or tumblr (though I check my accounts sporadically), and facebook was never my thing, so this is still my main online presence, despite the fact that I rarely update. LJ is still my favorite, and have been feeling especially nostalgic lately for the frequent interactions I used to have here.

I've also been missing bandom quite a bit. I barely keep up with any of the bands anymore (I even get super behind on MCR news, though I still adore them to death), but I miss having so much amazing canon flying at me constantly. I miss concerts, and meeting friends in person for the first time, and singing along to songs with other fans, and actually reading fic on a regular basis, and did I mentioned concerts? That was such a great fandom for me. ♥

I'm not really sure what the point of that ramble was. I spontaneously opened an update window and that's what came out. Pretty sure it's not what I meant to write, whoops!

In other news, I spent most of today reading South Park fic, which I feel weirdly embarrassed about, but it's kiiiind of amazing (I'm on part 12 of The Scenic Route by formerdinosaur). I don't even know. /o\

Oh and um, since I last posted, I officially quit my job and started taking a couple of computery classes at community college (Web Authoring 1 and Photoshop for the Web). It's pretty good so far. I'll probably sign up for one or two more classes next quarter and then start thinking about the job situation again.

work, fic recs, life stuff, naval gazing, south park, school, bandom

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