[SHODAN is dressed remarkably unlike usual, today in something black with flashes of green, low-cut but not cleavage-baring, and a thigh-length skirt. She mutters something like why am I doing this, cocks a hip, and faces the camera.]
I suppose with the other women in the running, I'll put myself on the stand. For those who like exotics, I'm cybernetic at heart -- all in the mind, none in the body, for those of you who find mechanical parts too cold. Overground, underground, I enjoy the sand and sun, exploring the caverns, and the far reaches of Xanadu. I have fire, intensity, and intelligence, and I am a master at chess and computer games.
Versatile, experimental, a little non-traditional -- let's start the bidding where you will, City. The date is available for the afternoon, until sundown.
[The camera cuts out for a moment, to more muttering: "I sound like a bad vid commercial. Damnit, City, this is not my expertise." Now the camera flashes to another image, this time of a young woman:]
If you prefer an intelligent woman with a dash of cleverness,
blastiafreak Rita is available for bidding.
Stop chasing airheads and choose a date with a brain. She's smart with tools and with clothes -- that is quite an exotic outfit. The goggles are a great touch. And perhaps if you ask nicely, she'll show you some of her magic.
[Now the screen goes dark, just to voice:]
I propose one Violet towards Rido Kuran. Just try to outbid me.