As you may or may not know I grew up on sci-fi. I am a bit of a junky. But i can not afford to get the sci-fi station, they only offer it with the full digital package for $70+ dollars a month. I was reading a post about a knitted robot, linking to more of her photos, and she mentioned Dr. Who. I <3 Dr. Who. In 6th grade I even did a class project with a Dr. Who theme. OK back to my point. I went ot her more pictures, and saw reference to a post on Dr. Who quickly clicked and went on and she had
another link to click and it is great. I felt I had to share. So do I take yarn or water on that survival adventure. With #G crochet hook and #3,8 & 15 needles in hand. You don't know if you will have thick or thin yarn in the forseeable future but you need to be prepared for anything that may arise.