Feb 08, 2006 21:13
My email to you just got deleted so am very pissed off. arrived and then went to colombo for 5hrs waiting for a bus. the went to the coast and clubbing for 2 nights in a row. yesterday went paintballing which was great fun but no body armour and no where to hide behind and no matter how many times you were hit you wernt out so i was hit about 20 times. have made good friends with a girl going to Sussex. House is good but nirangela the woman incharge is psychotic and after 2 of the boys, she found some excuse to be in our room at 6am today. Roshan is the guy out here looking after us and i swear he is in the mob. mention his name and you get discounts and also in like all of the schools there are little boys who look identical to him. i said to Bee (The sussex girl) while on the way to the orpahnage do you think we will see any more of roshans illegitimate children here and she said "no roshan takes good care of his wild oats".
Crappy thing is teaching is really bad find out night before which school i am at and the go to the school in the morning which view us a hassle and then are told to go to a class and upon walking in we find out who we are teaching. The children are little shits too i wanted to cane some of them today. This is why i want to maybe go onto china after my placement because i feel a bit cheated by this one.
The rest is good though bites and sunburn aside. i drove a tuk tuk yesterday and it was so cool untill i almost fell out.
Another email and not much time to spare just to say we have an actual annorexic out here who drives me mad moans all the time and today while running round the pool held her breasts i was like no joke you have the figure of an 8yr old.