How do you lure a muse back?

Sep 10, 2011 00:09

Okay, I know I've been gone forever. And my muse has fled me, for the most part. I saw these on ariestess LJ, and they looked inviting. So, I'm willing to try a meme, see if I can kick start my muse. Just, if anybody does respond, please act as if I need training wheels again, 'kay?

Stolen straight off ariestess lj:
gacked from merfilly ages ago...

If you had me tied up in front of a word processor, what would you demand that I write for you?

Who knows, you might spark a bunny.


gacked from cleo & merfilly

Give me one of my own stories, and a time at some point after the end of the story or before the story started, and I'll write you at least 100 words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story begins or ten years in the future.

You'll find the majority of my T/7 on P&P, and all of my Zabby stuff here.

fiction, meme, writers block

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