Drabbles for drabble meme (ST:Voy -T/7)

May 09, 2009 17:13

I had three people ask for T/7, so here are three responses. I haven't written T/7 in about a year, so I'm rusty. Forgive me. I also tried really hard to make them true drabbles which I'm not great at, but keep trying to do anyway. Again, forgive me. And none of these are beta read. Woops. :P

So these are for ralst, newbie_2u, and quew. You can choose which one you like and say it was yours. ;)

Title: The only fault
Author: Cirroco DeSade
Pairing: Torres/Seven
Rating: g
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.
word count: 126

Realization dawned on me long ago. However, I marvel yet again at how you are near perfection. You dress me down over another perceived slight. You think I am encroaching on your territory.

You shout and growl at me. I feel my heart race. Your scent as you get well within my personal space excites me. I hear your hearts beat. You are brilliant, challenging, and passionate. You are unpredictable. You are beautiful to me. You make me feel passion.

You are almost perfection. The only fault I can find with you is that you are not free to accept the love I so dearly desire to give you. That you chose him, and did not even see me, is one thing I will never understand.

Title: Realization
Author: Cirroco DeSade
Pairing: Torres/Seven
Rating: pg
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.
Word count:205

We were in the middle of yet another explosive argument right in the middle of engineering when it dawned on me. And when it did, I couldn’t help but laugh. Oh, how that pissed you off, making me laugh harder.

I couldn’t take it. It made perfect sense, but was so counter to everything I had said and done since you came aboard. I needed to think. I turned, stalking off to my office to be alone for a minute. Of course, you’d never let it go that easily.

“Lieutenant, I demand to know what you find so amusing,” you said in a hard voice as my office door closed behind you.

“This,” I answered. Grabbing your neck, I pulled you down even as I rose up to meet you in a kiss. I put into that kiss all the passion I had just realized I held for you. Eventually noticing you weren’t pushing me away, I pulled your body into mine, allowed no space to exist between us.

When we were forced to part for air, I looked into your eyes, waiting to see what you would do.

I figured out how I felt. I had to wait for you to do the same.

Title: After the return
Author: Cirroco DeSade
Pairing: Torres/Seven
Rating: g
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.
word count: 107

I had spent my entire life in space until Voyager returned. Now I am grounded, not allowed to join Starfleet because of their fears of what I was.

I do not remember much from my existence before the Borg. Most of my memories are from Voyager. Many of them are disturbing, painful. However I’d do anything to go back.

I miss some of them more than others. Kathryn tries to keep in touch, but is busy. Harry is kind and calls. The Doctor always wants to talk about his new life.

The one person I never knew I would miss… I never hear from her at all.

t/7, fanfiction, meme, voyager

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