(no subject)

Oct 30, 2007 14:10

I hate you Barbie. I hate you for taking all the creativity out of a little girl's Halloween. I hate the fact that you and Disney have taken all the cautionary tales and turned them into 'everything will be all right, because I'm the beautiful princess'. I hate the way that everything falls into your lap, and the obligatory evil queen/sorceress/wizard ends up just being plain stupid so that you can 'miraculously' sweep them aside.

I hate the whole commercialized industry that you represent. I hate the fact that it goes so quickly from one thing to another so that the five other costumes that someone has are no longer what's 'in', and you're stuck with either shelling out for the latest 'Barbie as....' merchandise or trying to jerry-rig something that looks passable, and still know that it's not what's really wanted.
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