I wanted to NaNo....

Oct 29, 2007 23:53

Especially with the demise of SBTT. No, don't try to talk me out of it, I don't even want to look at it again. I'd made up my mind that I was going to write this year, thinking that I would actually have alone-time in which to do it, but the temp company keeps falling through, and it's damned hard to write with someone looking over my shoulder or flipping back and forth on the TV.

Yes, I like noise when I write, but it has to be consistent. The jump as it goes from M*A*S*H to NFL to wrestling to Family Guy drives me nuts when I'm not writing.

On top of that, my part time job has dried up again - it's never constant work, just spates of mad panic separated by stretches of waiting. We can probably float through another month, but after that, something's gotta give.
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