Because you all smell like ADAM slug poopies

Mar 05, 2010 17:13

After years of slogging through the water of weeping Rapture intestines pipes, and dealing with the UNDYING STENCH of its inhabitants I'm looking at you, Gil I've decided to take creative control of the abandoned wing in the Medical Pavilion...FOR THE GREATER GOOD of my germaphobia and OCD OF THE PEOPLE.
What was once a maze of leaky pipes and lootable corpses is now Rapture's first BATHHOUSE. Because desperate times call for desperate measures. And you're all crawling....
  • Scrape off the crust from that one-night stand!
  • Wash away your thoughts of homocidal suicide!
  • Bleach your disgusting face!
  • Pretend that you're not already surrounded by water ANYWAYS.
  • Have delicious gay sex in one of the many sauna chambers What who said that? 
  • This establishment will also accommodate for the handicapped. Meaning, most of you.  

ENJOY. BUT NOT TOO MUCH. *cuts ribbon*

¡ay yi yi enfermedades venéreas!, threat level: delicious, say crack again, worship me, needs moar leaks, so much fucking water, jack "pubes-'stache" ryan, chubby hubby, your real god (ignore everyone else), our golden lord, happy shiny dysfunctional family~*~, cherry razorthong, love me daddy, bitches, the creme-filled one, don't drop the soap, this is an orgy, science!, a little to the left, security bot, the manchild, eleanor is watching you masturbate, blackmail is fun, bill "pipe-lover" mcdonagh, eleanor "jailbait" lamb, crack, where the hell am i?, father simon "not gettin' any" wales, not a fake moustache, that beautiful bastard sinclair, sinclair's secret spices, dr. "sperminator" grossman, children hide your eyes, oxyclean, test-tube baby, jacob "blow my torch" norris, augustus "chunky monkey" sinclair, shota bait, augustus "bitch tits" sinclair, disturbing or sexy: you decide

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