DS9 Rewatch: 2.7 - 2.8

Apr 07, 2012 12:53

Spoiler warning: assumes knowledge of all seasons.

2.7 - Rules of Acquisition

Plot: The Negas drafts Quark, and Quark's new assistant Pel, to lead nagotiations with a race in the gama quadrent.

Another Ferengi episode! And of course it starts with Morn. Odo tells Morn to stop sleeping on a bench on the promenade and go home and Morn goes to Quarks. LOL.

"Still trying to be the perfect little toady, aren't you, Quark."
"I try to be."

"Try" being the operative word. This exchange actually verbalizes one of the core ideas of Quarks characterization and his arc. Quark tries very hard throughout the series to be the perfect and poster worthy Ferengi male. In a lot of ways he is, but in a lot of ways he isn't. He's "properly" shocked when he sees a Ferengi woman wearing clothes, but his love interests are consistently strong, capable, independent women who would never be happy that way. Pel, Natima Lang (whom we haven't seen yet) and Dax (though she was never interested in Quark in return.) (ETA: And Grilka! How could I forget Grilka?) are the three most important people that Quark was interested in that I can think of. Can you imagine him actually being interested in any of them if were the "perfect" submissive Ferengi female? This balance Quark tries to hold between society's expectations and his actual desires (and not just about Feregi sexism) is something the series often treats lightly or with a full out comedic bent, but not always. I'm looking forward to the episode where he tries to go into business with his cousin Gaila.

You know, for all that Star Trek tells us that racism is bad a lot of the characters judge people by their species.

Dax watches Pel and Quark interact for about thirty seconds and realizes that Pel is in love with Quark and later invites Pel to lunch chat about it, clearly happy and encouraging. I'd forgotten that Dax had done all that before she realized that Pel was a women - a fact that was way more shocking then the idea that Pel was a man and in love with Quark.

I bet Ferengi have lobe enhancement email scams.

Karoman (are they even mentioned again) are the first to mention the Dominion. And Quark 'wants a piece of it'. He won't once he learns that neither the Founters nor the Jem'Hedar drink, eat or have sex.

I'm glad that Rom eventually breaks the bonds of Ferengi society. I already talked about Quark above, but Rom is doing the exact same thing in a different way. Rom conforms to the lowest, stupidest common denominator.

2.8 - Necessary Evil

Plot: A crime reminds Odo of the first case he had under Cardassian rule.

Best log entry ever: "Everything's under control. Odo out."

I think Rom is wearing Pel's shirt.

Say whatever you want, Dukat's not dumb.

Why were the Bajorans allowed to keep their earrings? If you were trying to crush a socety would you take away their religion? Maybe they thought that trying to suppressing it would just cause them to hold on stronger to it, but that doesn't seem like a very Cardassian way of attacking a problem.

Has Odo started reading mystery novels yet? His logs have become very noir.

I remembered that the reveal at the end was that Kira was the murderer. I guess that there's no one to really turn her into. I'm trying to recall if how the Bajoran government dealt with crimes committed during the Occupation. I'm imaging they must have given blanket amnesty or something.

ds9 rewatch, star trek, ds9, tv

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