Head Full of Love, Heart Full of Blood Homestuck - NC-17 - John/Karkat Warnings for underage (they're both 16), explicit interspecies sex, alien genitalia Kinkmeme fill for John and Karkat setting and respecting each others' boundaries with sex.
The Seleucus Postion Dan/Rorschach - PG-13 for talk of sex Rorschach finally loosens up about something. A captcha fic from the kinkmeme (and I'm keeping the captcha prompt for a title 'cause I can't think of anything better).
The first two are regular captcha fics from the kinkmeme, and they're (mostly) not Dan/Ror this time! The last one's from the kinkmeme prompt to write a fic based on a randomly shuffled song title
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Two drabbles from the kinkmeme. I was challenging myself to fill things quickly and keep 'em short instead of dragging things out and taking forever. Did pretty well, for me at least. Seems I'm better at writing sex when it's super vague and has as little detail as possible
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Title: Tangled Rating: R Characters/Pairings: Dan/Laurie, Dan/Rorschach Warnings: Sex, kind of. Impotence. Summary: Dan has a flashback about Rorschach while getting intimate with Laurie. The kinkmeme prompt was for Rorschach playing with Dan's hair, but this kinda fails in filling that. D:
Two little drabbles originally posted on /coq/. No titles, because I'm lazy and I suck at titles.
Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Dan/Rorschach Warnings: Pure crack Summary: WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN- Some cat!Rorschachs were posted to /coq/ and, well, they inspired this. Yeah, I don't know. Daniel dreams of catschach.
Title: Morning Delight Rating: NC-17 Characters/Pairing: Dan/Rorschach Warning: Smut Summary: Rorschach wakes up to an interesting morning. Originally posted on /coq/.
Title: Eavesdropping Rating: R Characters/Pairing: Danielle/Rorschach Warnings: Smut, rule63 Summary: Rorschach eavesdrops on Danielle in the bedroom post-patrol.