Slash Fanfiction - Blood Pact, Chapter 1

Mar 15, 2010 00:40

Title: Blood Pact
Rating: M. NSFW, due to sexual content in the prologue.
Total Word Count: 2883 words.
PC: None.
Pairing: Niall/Jowan.
Spoilers: Mage Origins.
Summary: A mage and an apprentice begin as teacher and student, evolve into something so much more, and just as suddenly drift apart.  Jealousy is an ugly beast, however, and something as innocent as concern is quickly warped into a twisted obsession.  Trapped in the tower, with no where to run, one of the two must yield.
Notes: I originally wrote out the concept for this piece back in December or so, but apparently, I had to write Shades of Grey (an Alistair/Zevran) piece before I could get this one any where beyond the lemon in the prologue.  *laughs*  Kind of sad, but I'm planning on finishing this one before I start anything else.  Niall and Jowan both deserve some serious love.

Additional Note:  It still won't let me tag my posts here.  Is that really normal?
[[  Prologue  |  Chapter 1: Secrets  ]]

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blood magic, nsfw, jowan, explicit subject matter, slash, fanfiction, niall

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