Urthemiel Series: Fanart and Fanfic

Mar 15, 2010 20:24

The wacky adventures of Zevran, Dane Amell and Morrigan as they raise the baby archdemon. I can't remember which of this series I've posted here (I think just the first?), so here's the full list.

Fancomic: Best. Parents. Ever. Zevran/Dane Amell/Morrigan gen, E.

Fanfic: Moments in the life of a baby god Zevran/Dane Amell/Morrigan, T, 6180 words.

Fanfic: The Awful Truth "Urthemiel was twelve when her parents told her she was a god. She didn't believe them." Gen, E, 359 words.

Fanart: Urthemiel at 16. Makes sense as a standalone picture too. Gen, E.

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