May 07, 2006 13:17
On the saturday after each of the past two Quadparties (Aftermath Day), I wrote about events that had occurred during the respective QuadParties themselves. I didn't write on Aftermath day this year. Instead, Betta and I spent the whole day relaxing together. We played Racko, watched television, visited her Uncle's gravesite, and ate at Swiss Chalet. We also worked on a 1000-piece puzzle that may or may not be missing a few pieces. Best of all, we made a Grasshopper pie! It was a very good day, so I don't feel bad at all that I didn't even think of recording Quadparty's events. But I have some time to kill now, so I thought I'd say a few words.
Quadparty itself wasn't very good. Byron Brown sent a whole taskforce of Buffalo cops to police the event. They were ticketing people everywhere. We couldn't walk half a block without running into them. As a result, people felt tense and angry. A lot of fistfights broke out. I couldn't relax because I needed to stay alert and safe, so I didn't drink very much at all. But I think that Quadparty also sucked because my head made it suck. I half believe that my subconscious is preparing to graduate by highlighting all of the negative elements of life at Canisius College. I have to face it: I'm too old to party with a bunch of drunken freshmen. I don't really know what I want to do right now, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to get plastered with people I hardly know. There was a time for that, and I enjoyed it at that time. It's time now for something else, and I need to figure out what that something else is. How do you grow up and stay young? That's what I need to figure out. Those things aside, I had a great time hanging out with Betta. We ate Chiavetta's chicken and raced down the sack slides. We also raced electric cars and ate ice-cream!
This will be a difficult week for me. For instance, I've started to notice changes in many of the people I've known throughout college. We didn't look very different in our Sophomore and Junior years than we did in our Freshman year, but now I see that people have aged. I notice weight gained and wrinkles added. People look older and less fit. I saw a guy who used to look like a skater kid; now he looks like an accountant. Moreover, I'm noticing all of the "lasts." Last undergraduate class. Last school day. Last Quadparty, last CCAC shift, last Library Lab shift, last workout at Koessler...
If you aren't careful, you begin to see lasts everywhere. But I don't think it's fair to torture myself. Why would I want to let all of that sadness build up? Instead, I'm going fight it back by looking for all the "firsts" and the "news." First job, first apartment, first real paycheck. New television, new wardrobe, new life. Frankly, I'll have to wait for many of these. But just because they don't occur at the same time as the lasts doesn't mean they won't occur. It's easy to focus on the negative side of the balance right now. I need to remember that the positive side is soon coming.
Alright. It's time to go write a letter to someone very special. I don't know how much longer I'll keep my livejournal going, but I will let people know when my last post will be. Maybe then I'll write my first letter to a friend to let them know how I'm doing and to ask how they're doing.
- DS