zantac, zaine, and sissy's birthday

May 19, 2011 21:55

About a week ago, Zaine went from quiet, alert, and mostly calm during the day to super fussy/screaming anytime he nursed. At first I thought it was just normal fussiness or maybe colic (ack!) and then when it kept occurring and I realized it correlated with his feeding, I started getting worried. I did some research and started to think it may be silent reflux so I decided to take him to the doctor. We went yesterday and saw the nurse practitioner. I didn't tell her I suspected reflux, just told her his symptoms and she said she thought it was silent reflux. I had fed him right before she came in and then when she was there I had to change his diaper and when he was on his back, he started swallowing and grimacing a little so she said that definitely sounded like silent reflux to her. She put him on zantac twice a day. It must taste awful though--he gives me the saddest little face when I give it to him. I'm glad it's only two times a day! I started him on it last night and by this afternoon our nursing sessions were going better though he's still a little fussier then normal and he's been REALLY fighting his naps! He only took like 3 short (30 minute) naps today until 8pm when I finally got him down again and he's been out for close to 2 hours. I prefer that he doesn't have longer naps right before bed but he'd been up since about 4pm before that so he needs the sleep!

Savannah turned 8 today. Wow, where has the time gone?! She's such a big girl now. We had her birthday party on Saturday. I posted a bunch of pictures on FB. Go check them out!

savannah, zaine

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