A memorable weekend

May 29, 2007 20:56

Fri: Went to the doctor to check out my rash.  I know, finally, right?  It’s healing up nicely and I think it’ll be gone in a week or so.  The doc thinks that it was just an allergic reaction to something, but since I scratched at it so much, it got slightly infected.  Yikes!  So lesson learned there.  Don’t scratch!

Every time I go to the doctor or dentist, I need to take the whole day off because I work so far away.  Since Gema also had Friday off, we went to see Pirates III in the morning before my appt.  Dude, we had awesome seats.  There was only three other ppl in the theater when we got in, and maybe 20-30 ppl trickled in afterwards.

I still enjoyed the first two more, but the third was good too, though twisty.  I am one of those ppl who always stay during the credits.  I know that’s weird, but it’s my way of paying respect to the ppl who worked so hard on the film.  Anyways, stay for what happens after the credits!  There’s enough time to go to the restroom and come back and still catch it, btw.

I remember sitting there thinking that the 1st movie ended w/ the monkey and the 2nd movie ended w/ the dog, so the 3rd movie would have to end w/ the parrot, lol.  The ending it had instead was SO much better!  It’s a really good love story.

And the following will be getting spoilery, so highlight if you wanna read it.

I felt like they left the movie open for a 4th installment.  Gema and I were thinking about it, and this is how he thinks it could possibly go:

Basically, Jack is still trying to find the fountain of youth and so is Barbossa (so you have that theme of who's the captain of the Black Pearl again).  Jack wants his ship back, so he goes to Elizabeth to get to Will, because the only ship fast enough to catch up to the Black Pearl is the Flying Dutchman.

Elizabeth figures out that she can save Will by going after the fountain of youth too. Basically, someone needs to stab his heart so that he's not the captain of the Flying Dutchman anymore, but if it's stabbed, he'll die.  So right at that moment, pop his heart back in, give him the fountain of youth and he lives.

They can also bring back the themes of Calypso and Davy Jones (Davy didn't really die, and he wants the elixir as well). Calypso is hell bent on punishing everyone, especially the love of Will and Elizabeth because she's bitter that their love lasted and hers didn't.  She brings back Commodore Norrington (she can bring back anyone who didn't go into the Locker) and brainwashes him to go after Elizabeth (that way, they have the theme of Commodore too - and I admit, it was a real let down that they didn't utilize him more in the 3rd *sigh*).  The 3rd movie was all about cameos and reoccurring themes, so the 4th will have to have lots of that too.  =9

So yah, that’s Gema’s theory.  I thought it was pretty good.  It has some holes that need to be filled in, but it’s believable enough.  And if it never happens on the big screen, then there’s always fanfiction!  ^o^

Sat: Went to Michael’s and got a very nice frame for my diploma.  Also went homehome to housesit.  Because it’s boring at home, Gema and I drove to Riverside.  Ah, the memories.  It’s kinda pathetic that we actually did it, but kinda nice and sweet at the same time.  It’s been five years since we’ve been back. 
  • We drove around the perimeter of the school and reminisced (“That’s the Humanities building where I met Linlin.”  “Hey, I used to work at those greenhouses!”  “That’s GSM, and Tom’s old office is right there”, etc)
  • Drove by the dorms (“That’s the path I used to take to school.  Flew off my bike there.”)
  • We drove by the apt and laughed at the dent Lari and Ed made on the parking roof (“My bike!”  “My rack!”)
  • Went into the old 99 cent store and Stater Bros (“How come it didn’t look this good when we were still here?”)
  • Drove by the University Village (“Hey, they have a parking structure now.  Finally.”  “That’s where I almost got run over.”  “Why do they have two Starbucks on the same block?”)
  • And lastly, we drove by Gema’s old townhouse complex (“That’s where the dead white cat was”  “I was so poor I only ate one pack of ramen a day and lost ten lbs”)
  • and to the plaza that he took me to the night I fell in love w/ him.  I wanted to see the Thomas Kincaid store again, but it’s gone.  The plaza has really expanded with lots of nice eateries though.  It’s a good date place now.  It wasn’t like that before, but it’s ok.  I hope the charm of that place will spark other long lasting romances.  =)

Sun: Went to O Mills (Ontario Mills) like how we used to and looked around.  Played with the hats at Rainforest Café and looked for a shirt that was perfect for a buddy, but didn’t have it in his size, tsk.  It was an “Old Guys Rule - Still Crazy After All These Beers” brown shirt, lol.

Virgin Records was having a sale on cds, so I got three and walked away happy.  I know it’s kinda lame, but I got Hillary Duff’s Metamorphosis album.  Ten bucks, yo!  Also got the Breakaway album by Kelly Clarkson and Have a Nice Day by Bon Jovi.  Ah, I love that group.

House sitting done, Gema and I got back and stayed in for all of Monday.  And that was my w/e.  Hope minna had a good memorial w/e too.

trip, movie, futari, memories, review, music, health

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