Aug 16, 2005 21:38
today has been the longest day of my life. actually, the past 4 days have been. i've been twirling.. and twirling...and did i mention TwIrLiNg!? it's a good thing i like twirlin cause if i didn't this week might kill me. lol. we've finished several of our routines, but every time the band starts playin something i'm like *???* lol! none of us can remember what routine goes with what song. oh well. hopefully we'll figure that one out. so this morning when i was driving to band the sun was shining on my parking pass that was on the dashboard and makin glare and i couldnt see, so i moved it and i forgot to stick it back up there today and i got a parking ticket. *!?grr?!* its a $10 ticket!.... i'm not gonna pay it though. i'm gonna go during lunch tomorrow and take it to the marshall police station and appeal it. cause i have the parking pass, it was just not in my windshield.
so guess what!?.....*Yesterday was my BiRtHdAy!* yay! and i was at band from 9 in the morning til 9 at night... wonderful day. but friday night we did have dinner and stuff and my mom dad n brother fixed me breakfast in bed yesterday!
well, i'm gonna go to bed. xoxo laters!