Aug 09, 2005 22:24
2?: Are you happy about something today? yep!
3?: What about it makes you so happy (or unhappy)? it's been a wonderful day! i
had a job interview, i got to drive my car finally, the buffalo majorettes actually LiStEnEd today...!
4?: When was the last time you went out with friends? last weekend
5?: When did you last spend time with your family? today
6?: When was the last time you went on a genuine date? this weekend
7?: When was the last time you kissed someone? yesterday
9?: When was the last time you told someone you loved them? maybe 30 mins ago
10?: Have you ever been in love? yes! for the last 8 months!!
11?: Who knows you best? Josh, Jamie, Brittany
Q?: Who in your family are you closest to? Katie
K?: Who is your closest friend? Josh
4?: What's the first thing you bought because everyone else was buying it? tickle me cookie monster
5?: What was your favorite gift from childhood? a 3-story barbie dreamhouse... it was sweet... it even had an elevator that you pulled the string to make go up and down!
6?: What is the most money anyone ever gave you, as a child? i have no idea
7?: What's your favorite toy from childhood? my whiteboard easel. i was so cool
8?: What car do you drive now? a red ford focus
9?: Where do you live now? Westmoreland!
J?: What car do you most want? the one ive got now
Q?: Where do you most want to live? florida somewhere
K?: What luxury (you'll probably never be able to afford) would you most like? a really big super sweet house with every overpriced appliance available
? SPADES (labor and career)
2?: What was your first job? captain d's.....barf
3?: How much did you make? $5.50
4?: What was your favorite job? the one i have now
5?: Why did you leave it? I'm still there
6?: Did you further your education after high school? i am
7?: What did you study? interior design
8?: What is your current job? economy foods
9?: How long have you been doing your job? about a year n 1 month
J?: What do you plan to eventually do? have my own business in fl.
Q?: If money were no object, what would you do? everything
? CLUBS (war and conflict)
2?: Are you upset about something? nope
3?: Why does it upset you? .....
4?: Are you not talking to someone? no
5?: Is someone not talking to you?
6?: Were you personally affected by September 11th? i think the whole country was... just some more than others
7?: Has it changed your personal habits? not really
8?: If you were drafted, would you object? probably not
9?: Can you see yourself dying for your country? maybe
10?: Can you see yourself dying for anything else? yeah
J?: What is the worst news you ever received? i really dont know
K?: When was the last time you hit someone? ?iono?
A?: Have you ever genuinely wanted to kill someone? lol no..haha