(no subject)

Jun 28, 2008 00:39

okay so disregard the last entry completely. turns out he was a douche. no worries, i got rid of him right quick.
shane told me that at my grad party when i was drunk, i went up to ryan, who was sober, and he said to me "well where have you been all night??" and he was really demanding about it, like he owned me or something. i'm glad i have good friends, like shane who will tell the douche bags to leave. ryan did not leave, nor did he sleep in the basement, as he was told to. i think i must have said to half the people at the party "i do not want to sleep next to ryan, and he expects me to" and then i woke up next to him. fuck that, seriously. i have been on barely two dates with him, thats just not okay.
then last night, after apparently he had been whining to christi all week about how i hadnt talked to him, he IMed me and all he said was "so that's how its going to be??" and i was like WHAT THE FUCK, I GOT MY WISDOM TEETH OUT TODAY, I'M ON VICODIN, MY FAMILY HAS BEEN COMING AND GOING FOR A WEEK NOW, LAY OFF SERIOUSLY" and then his away message said "well i think i've done enough damage for one night"
you're damn right you've done damage. fuck youuuuu.

i just have bad luck with guys, i guess?

oh and i'm graduated. and it still hasnt really hit me. well a little i guess, today i got my packet for elizabethtown, and they already gave me classes. i dont have any classes on friday, and my first class on monday isnt til 3:00. so perfect for flying home on zee weekend, mhmm.

i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. i was really hoping i'd be one of those cases where i healed really fucking fast and i like went out that night and partied or something, but NOOO, i had to get the wisdom teeth that are severely impacted and the never healing gums. my stitches are fucking hellllll. i can barely talk, and i'm a bit of a chipmunk. blahhh
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