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Jan 07, 2011 16:03

Last night I read a tweet from Scott Stratten, the author of UnMarketing (awesome by the way) which mentioned that he was committed to reading 20 pages a day. That sounds like a great idea. 20 pages is really not that much and it's an easy way to finish things. So I think I'm going to try that as well.

And committing to something like 20 pages a day is so much easier than saying "I'm going to read more" or "I'm going to finish x number of books."

The last couple of weeks I've found it too easy to stay on the computer forever. I have so many things I'm an working on, and looking into, and participating in that I've fallen into the rabbit hole of the internet. So I'm doing what I usually don't and making some new year's resolutions.

So, doing that reading 20 pages a day thing, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't get it done, cause so far I've gotten only 1.5 read!

I'm going to start scheduling yoga classes into my appointment book so I'm more committed to going, and it won't be left to "Oh I've got some time today!"

Now that I've learned how to knit I want to keep doing it. My goal is to be able to knit a nice, well- fitting, sweater by the end of the year. And that means practicing what I've been learning. So I'm going to do like the reading thing and say I will knit for at least 30 mins every other day. That seems reasonable.

We are also planning on organizing the house a bit better and making it more of a home. Probably within the first couple of months of the year. And part of that means I will de-clutter lots of my own stuff. I'm going to start by bringing my myriad pieces of electronics to a drop off of some sort. I have a bunch of telephones, radio/cd players and clocks (of all things to have lots of). And then I'll go through my clothes and get rid of a bunch. And I'll have a look at my books, though I'm not committing to getting rid of any, but I will take a critical look I swear!

I've also started and will continue de-cluttering my online life. I've unsubscribed from a bunch of email newsletters I don't read, I've started archiving and tagging emails and will probably start using filters, I've even started unsubscribing from some blogs! I need to live with the fact that I can't consume all the information in the world, no matter how much I want to!

I'm also considering starting more podcasts. But I don't know on what topics yet. I just want to share all the information in the world that I insist on consuming!

And, I'm also going to try writing more than 140 characters more often!
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