Aug 11, 2010 13:07
The basic premise of the movie is that a signal comes over the television set and the radio that drives people into a homicidal rage.
Clark: *knocks on door*
Anna: *answers door* Clark? You looked chapped. This is a dress up party here tonight.
Clark: Anna, I'm going to need a couple of the things Ken borrowed, namely my hatchet..and some garbage bags.
*Anna lets Clark in, Clark walks to Ken's dead body slumped at the table*
Clark: Ken, I'm gonna need that hatchet you borrowed. I'm also gonna need - he's dead.
Anna: Yeah.
**Cut to scene where Ken and Anna are talking about balloons. Ken turns on tv and then tries to strangle Anna. Anna stabs Ken in the neck with the balloon inflater thing**
Clark: My God.
Anna: Yeah... he's kind of gross now.
Clark: Well, I'm sorry.
Anna: Are you mad at me for killing your friend?
Clark: What?
Anna: I know he's your friend and all.
Clark: We weren't that close.
Anna: Well you always helped him fix stuff.
Clark: I'm your landlord!
Anna: I know, but are you mad at me?
Clark: No! You did what you had to do. We all do what we have to do sometimes.
**cut to scene where Ron attacks Clark and Clark cuts Ron's head off with a shovel**
Clark: I guess we're in this together.
Anna: What should we do now?
Clark: I'm still trying to figure out that one.
Anna: What if my party guests arrive?
At this point, Lewis shows up. Lewis is the cuckolded husband of Maya who escaped earlier in the day after Lewis lost his shit and killed his friend Jerry. Ron tied Lewis up with ducttape and then fled with Maya. Ron hears the signal over the radio and hits Maya in the face while she's driving so she drives the car into a dumpster to kill him. She takes off and Clark shows up to help Ron who turns on Clark. The above conversation happens right after Maya leaves. Lewis escapes the tape and tracks Maya's car to Anna and Clark's building. He tells Anna that Ken ordered pest control in order to get inside the apartment. The below conversation then takes place.
Lewis: what do you have here?
Clark: *whimper* it's Ken....napping.
Lewis: He looks dead.
Anna: He is.
Lewis: I see. Who did this?
Anna: I did. I didn't want to!
Lewis: You killed him?
Anna: Well, Clark killed somebody too!
*cut to scene in Clark's apartment where Ron's head is lying on the floor*
Clark: I did no- I did... but it was self-defense!
Anna: You chopped his head off!
Lewis: He had it coming...probably. These are wild times.
Lewis takes Anna and Clark out to his van where he's got Maya's lover tied up in the back. It cuts to the scene where the lover misses Maya by seconds as Ron drags her into a utility closet in the apartments right after she's walked out on Lewis taped to a chair. The lover unties Lewis and walks out when he hears the gunshot (the cop shooting Ron right before he gets in the car with Maya) only to be cracked in the head with a bat with Lewis.
Lewis: The tv must have gotten into his head and told him to kill you.
*people run past in the background*
Anna: Yeah, that's what happened to Ken. He was watching tv and it made him go bad.
*guy runs after people with chainsaw in background, screaming*
Clark: This is, without a doubt, the most FUCKED UP day in the history of mankind! We should go back inside.
Anna: Who wants cocktails?
*both Lewis and Clark look at Anna*
It cuts to a scene where Lewis and Clark are sitting apart on the couch holding their weapons and cocktail glasses. Anna sets a bowl a peanuts down between them and they both reach for it and then awkwardly move away. There's another knock at the door.
Anna: Party guests!
Clark: Act natural.
Laura: You gotta help me! My mom is trying to kill me and so I ran over her in the car and my dad was in the house and he made the dog die because he tried to bite me and I left in the car and I didn't know where to go and I remembered that Anna and Ken lived here and I'm Laura.
Anna: Laura!
Laura: Anna! *pushes her way into the apartment past Clark*
*Lewis smacks Laura with the pesticide canister and then beats her to death*
Anna: You killed Laura!
Lewis: She was coming at you!
Anna: Stay away from me! You killed Laura!
Lewis: She was heading straight for you with that knife!
Anna: She doesn't have a knife!
Clark: That's a keychain...
bwhahaha, this part of the movie is awesome!
the signal,
moving myspace