Still in a dream

Apr 23, 2009 11:06

I'm beginning to think that T.S. Eliot was misinterpreted, that he didn't write that April was the cruelest month. No, that honour goes to March--or at the very least, my March. Remember? Tubes up my ass and down my throat, insane scheduling, loss of bus pass, and the grand finale of falling down, chipping my tooth and borking my knee, and ending up in the ER and eventually at the dentist for some work? Yeah, that March.

No, what Eliot meant to write is that April is the coolest month. Or he would have, had the proper slang been in usage at the time. (Maybe "cruel" is the olden time slang equivalent of our "bad"?) Okay, probably not. But so far, my April has been pretty damn cool. I dare say that it even kicks ass. I've got seeing My Bloody Valentine in Seattle to look forward to. Not only that, but I was able to get the time off for that without a fight or switching shifts. On Record Store Day, I got the last Beck/Sonic Youth split single at Scratch, beating out one of the clerks. I managed to score a temp gig that will more than pay for the aforementioned trip. My GI's office phoned and offered to move my appointment from mid May to today. Plus, I got thrown a chance for an extra shift at work during a time when such things are hard to come by. Oh, and did I mention that I'm seeing My Bloody Valentine in a few days? I'm sorry if I did, but damn if I don't need to let my excitement out, lest I explode and die of it. I mean, I rarely get excited about anything, and I think that getting to see a band whom I never thought I'd see and experience live is worth a little excitement on my part.

Besides, I didn't even tell you about the best part: the date of the show. April 27th--exactly one month after The Incident. I remember sitting on the floor, blubbering uncontrollably, bleeding all over my hand, mistaking a piece of popcorn for my tooth, and just rambling about how all this shit always happens to me and now I'd have to pay a hell of a lot of money to fix my tooth and that meant that I couldn't go to see My Bloody Valentine at the end of April like I'd been thinking about doing just that very morning. (At this point in the game, you'd think I'd be used to plans and ideas being trampled by health needs and everything turning to shit, but I don't think I'll ever really be.) I had little idea that I'd even go through with it until I actually said it out loud between mouthfuls of blood and pain. And even then, it was still just an idea, just another maybe but probably not. But now, it's more than that. So excuse me if I'm still a little excited.

Anyway, I know that this good time won't last. I know that this might very well be my heyday, or at the very least, the high point of my year. But considering March and everything before, I can live with that. But I'm not going to live with worrying about the other shoe dropping. Not right now, anyway. No, I am actually going to be in the very centre of the very moment of this good time. Let me clarify that: I will live in the very centre of this time. I will live.

music, money, life, health, medical, work, me

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