
Nov 07, 2008 21:15

So, lemme get this straight: Obama won? And it wasn't much of a contest? Congratulations, America. You have just blown my mind in the best possible way. In fact, you blew my mind so much, that it's taken me days to believe it was true and not some dream. But here I am, very much awake and it's true, it's true, it's completely and awesomely true. (How can I be sure that this is not a dream, either? Two words: Proposition Eight. Now, that's a pinch. That, and the fact that Harper is still Prime Minister up here.) Wow.

I know that he's only been elected president and hasn't done a thing in office yet. I also know that nobody knows how the next four years are going to play out. And considering the mess Bush Jr. is leaving America in, Obama's got one hell of a tough row to hoe. Can he do it? He's just one guy, folks. I'll give you that he's one hell of a guy, but he's one guy just the same as you or me (yeah, I know I'm technically a gal, but let me stay on topic here). No, I'm not gonna ask you to cut the guy some slack--I'm going to ask you to start picking up some slack. Still all fired up and optimistic after voting for somebody who got in? Good! Put that energy to good use. Low and pessimistic because you voted Republican or Libertarian or Green? Ride that bummer, then come back and do something constructive, too.

I'm not going to tell you what to do, how to do it, or anything like that. Hell, I'm probably the last person who should tell anyone to do something. Nor am I telling you to do it now--it may be months before you figure out what you want to do. I'm still waiting to figure it out. What I am saying is this: remember these feelings of optimism and hope. Wouldn't you like them to last beyond these last few days? I know I would.

politics, advice, me

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