Discussion: Computer woes UPDATE... the Alienware is BACK!!!!

Apr 16, 2008 09:08

I wasn't supposed to get the new hard drive for the Alienware until tomorrow, but it came early... yesterday afternoon.  So last night after I put the kids to bed I put it in and hoped I'd remember how to do what I needed to do.

I RAWK, lol!

I had to put the back "faceplate" on the new hard drive, because it didn't come with one and I didn't know I'd have to do that.  So I took a chance, unscrewed it and put it on the new one.  Woooo...

Plugged the new one in (to slot 2) and screwed it down.  Fired the thing up.

Oh geez... here we are with those RAIDs again.  Is it striped or not?  Hmmmm... yes, yes I think it was.

What the hell you mean, "partitioned space????"  (snorts)

Break out the Alien Respawn discs (best $80 I've ever spent!) and HOLY CRAP... there's the Windows logo again!!  ((Sighs)) What a beautiful sight...

Unfortunately of course, the only things on the computer are Windows and Internet Explorer.  So I'm in the midst of putting all of my Sims games back on.  I have to download Glamour Life and Seasons (grrrr) because with Glamour LIfe I can't find the disc, and with Seasons I have all the discs but can't find the book with the code!   Not a big deal to buy them again, but I can't run out and get them and didn't want to wait for them to be delivered... so I'm downloading them from EA!

So this $4000 Alienware will have Internet and the Sims 2.  Meh... that's all I ever really used it for anyway.  (blushes)

I'll get around to putting all the other stuff on there eventually.



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