F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E.....

Sep 08, 2005 13:14

omg!!! we won... yes! so ive been havein a bunch of fun being back up here. i cant seem to get a job but hey maybe someone will want to hire me.... hopefully.... my roomies and i had a bbq for the game and memorial day that was a bunch of fun... i heart food... and well yeah ive been going to all my classes yay for me. been drunk a few times...hehe that was fun... and ive been shopping as well.... the mall is my homebase....so i must stay away!!!! i miss everyone back home i have a much smaller spectrum of friends that i actually get to see in tally and it makes me sad... because i live with most of them so ya know.... but we won go noles!!! and my computer is finnaly fixed and works! yay!!! but yeah i guess i should rap this up cause i have class that i should be getting to....

if anyone..hint hint... wants to come up and visit me...hint hint... just give me a call i have a big bed and 2 couches so.... hehe that would be a bunch of fun...

well g2g love you all bunches!
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