Simple update ...

Aug 31, 2011 17:29

Yesterday, I received a phone call from a woman I'd shared about my shop with, oh my, has to have been 3 or 4 years ago. She'd asked for my business card back then and, since, I'd just forgotten about it. We'd actually met her and her husband in the local Walmart parking lot. My husband was admiring this cool truck that was parked beside us and they had pretty much about followed us out the doors, each of us heading to our vehicles and so we all got to chatting ... the guys about the truck and her and I about my shop and her shop.
Well, as I said, she phoned me yesterday. For whatever reason, she is no longer going to be using the lady she used to get her homemade soaps from. She had kept my business card all this time.
Long story short, we chatted on the phone for probably 45 minutes or so. I am now committed to putting together a couple of sample items for her which I am scheduled to meet with her in about 2 weeks to discuss further details. She'd been using a lady who'd only given her a choice of 6 fragrances in soaps and all were of the cosmetic line. She's super interested in how I focus more on the medicinal/healthful aspect of soaps and other products, yet can still give her some cosmetic too as a secondary line. She's also interested in my herbs, teas, oils and virtually pretty much all my products.
We're already to the point that we've discussed details right down to the shipping and packaging. She wants to purchase my products wholesale for resale in her shop. Which is great because we're *just* far enough apart that we wouldn't be tripping over each other business-wise. And my products still remain "my" products with my name on them. She already has established clientele for the soaps too.

On top of that, I've been asked again by the local fire company's auxiliary unit to participate in their annual Holiday Craft Bazaar held in November. And, again, I will have the opportunity to share the great Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who attend.

I also have recently had another woman inquire as to selling my soaps and other products via her website in a home-business she's recently begun. Nothing further has happened on that yet. I will probably followup on it after giving priority to the above opportunities.

Plus, there's another woman who's chatted with me a couple of times now, expressing she plans to stop by my shop at some point to discuss "more" ... whatever the "more" may entail.

So, this is getting rather interesting.

In other news, the last of my children remaining to get married, has recently asked me to officiate over their wedding ceremony next year. What a blessing that shall be!

Prayers for Dez would be greatly appreciated. She's scheduled to go in for more treatment (intense) in September.

And it's breeding time again for my goat herd! I'm so happy with the bloodline I have going now days. I was quite content before, of course. But now, I've managed to breed several black and white goats (both does and bucks) who honestly look like miniature cows! My understanding is that this sort of marking has become rather rare over recent years. I now have have bred several in my herd!

Last week, a woman stopped by inquiring as to buying at least two of my upcoming goat kids, both does preferably. She will stopping back around January to see what I have at that point. Any kids born this season, would be ready to go just in time for when she's looking to purchase them.

As for Hurricane Irene, we fared quite well really. We're already well into emergency prep for the upcoming winter and all so we honestly didn't have a lot we had to do ahead of time ... which was really nice. Mostly, we just had to baton down some pieces of lawn furniture and seasonal ornamental type stuff, my shop sign, some of my planters and the like. We did lose electric for some time during the overnight hours. But it was already back on before we woke in the morning. It worked well too that hubby's days off have recently changed so this all occurred during his normal time off and so he was home here with me and the critters.
We did get some tree damage that still needs finished taken care of. But even that managed to all fall in a direction that absolutely nothing was damaged. I'm glad too ... had they fallen in either other direction, they'd have taken down some barnyard fencing and I'd of had goats everywhere! Which would have been interesting with the enormous orchard across the road from us and all the neighbors' gardens and ornamentals ... eeks! But they each went the "right" way and all's well.

So, that's all about the excitement here lately. Time to head out and do the afternoon feeding in the barn and started on supper and feed my doggies.

Oh, and had a FABULOUS time in prayertime today with the Lord!!!
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