Fic :: (Luke/Reid) "foolish though it may seem"

Aug 29, 2010 23:15

Title: foolish though it may seem
Pairing: Luke Snyder/ Dr. Reid Oliver
Rating: PG
Summary: Reid isn't much for dancing but he's a sucker for Luke. (Future fic, fluffy and no spoilers.)
Author's Notes: Written for schmoop_bingo with the prompt : "dancing". As always, I send all my fics to openice and she has yet to scream at me so I take it as a good sign. I also got a fabulous (and quick!) beta by gwennylou (seriously how awesome is she, by the way? ♥) So thank you for the both of them.

Reid looked at the dance floor like most would look at a crime scene. His eyebrows furrowed deep and his mouth a thin line across his face. The fact that it was populated with half of his coworkers and what felt like the entirety of Oakhell didn’t help the case at all. He knew he should have faked sick but also knew that the guilt trip Katie would have been just as hellish, just prolonged over years.

“This is a wedding,” Luke’s voice was barely an inch from his and he still could barely make it out. Stupid ridiculous DJ with his too loud speakers spread around the room. “Not a funeral, Reid.”

Reid turned to face Luke, his frown faltering at the wide and happy smile on his face. Obviously Luke was turning him into a sap in his old age. “I deduced that, but who can tell the difference in this town?”

“Oh ha ha,” Luke rolled his eyes and offered his hand. “Come on, dance with me.”

He looked at the offered hand and then back up at Luke’s smile. “Excuse me?”

“Come. Dance. With. Me,” Luke tried again, standing up and taking Reid’s hand by force.

“I’m not one for dancing.”

Luke gave him an innocent smile. “You also aren’t one for relationships.”

“And I’m being reminded as to why,” he retorted, but there wasn’t much bite behind it. Begrudgingly he got out of his seat and followed him around a few tables before they reached the offending wooden dance floor.

He saw Katie dancing with Chris and Jacob sandwiched between them. When she caught sight of him her smile doubled and he frowned on principle alone. She winked, though if it was at him or Luke he didn’t quite catch it.

The song changed to an old Tony Bennett tune, and something in his chest tightened. If he closed his eyes he could imagine himself in his parents living room, watching as the two of them twirled circles and his dad sang the lyrics along in his off key way. It was one of those memories that he tried to hang on to (even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud).

Luke faltered when they stood in the center, the inevitable question of “Who leads?” making it awkward for all of a moment before Reid put his arms up. His mother had him learn from a young age to dance. He was the trained seal after all any tricks were a necessity.

He inhaled deeply when Luke leaned in close to him, catching himself just before he leaned in to Luke’s neck. Luke didn’t return the favor and dug his face into the side of Reid’s neck, warm breath and lips brushed against his skin. It was… well. A distraction.

A smile spread across his face and he lost track of time. They went slowly around the floor and Reid didn’t even care when he felt all the eyes on him. He reveled in the feeling of skin against skin, warm hands and a smile pressed against his neck. He found himself humming the tune, low but loud enough for Luke to hear.

“You know, you’re going to be the death of my reputation,” he said finally, into Luke’s ear.

Luke smiled, pulled back for a quick peck as the song ended. “That’s the plan.” 

i ship :: luke&reid, fics, i : write for bingo, fandom :: atwt, bingo :: schmoop

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