"then again, you're always first when non one's on your side."

Jun 27, 2010 19:06

So I know not many of you care (and you are probably all sick about hearing about it) but someone made a lovely shipper's manifesto for Luke/Reid and I just have to pimp it. Here it is. It just about sums up my feelings for these two quite nicely. I know most people are like, "Soap Opera? No thank you." But it's ending in September and it's really worth it. Eric Sheffer Stevens is my favorite.

Hung out with my cousin and her daughter for most of the day yesterday. It's nice to be reminded of the sane parts of my family. Plus I got seranaded by a three year old for about an hour. She sang her knowledge of the Beatles, then the itsy bitsy spider, then a made up song that consisted of a horsey named "Torsey". She was shy at first but by the end of the night she giggled and hugged and kissed me over and over. She then asked me to curl up with her and read her a story to 'help her sleep'. Three is seriously the best age.

i ship :: luke&reid, family, fandom :: atwt

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