Drabble: Warmth (Ron/Hermione)

Jan 10, 2008 16:28

This drabble is Ron/Hermione for ljs. Takes place a few hours after the end of Deathly Hallows (not counting the epilogue). I hope you like it. :-)


Ron is exhausted, but he's given up trying to sleep. He wanders the halls of Gryffindor Tower, unsure where he's headed until he gets there. The Common Room is warm, a fire in the hearth and Hermione curled up on the sofa, a book in her lap. She puts it aside when he enters and holds out her hand. He takes it without speaking, curling into her side as she brings a blanket up around them both.

"What're you doing here?" he asks with a yawn.

"Silly boy," she says softly, fingers in his hair. "I was waiting for you."

more joy day, fic: hp, drabble, pairing: ron/hermione, fic

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