Title: Touch
by Musedepandora (see:
Master List of Fanfics)
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to various persons and corporations that are not me or associated with me. This piece of fanfiction is written with the admiration and respect for the original work. I claim no ownership of Doctor Who's creations. No profit is made from this material, now or in the future.
Rating: PG, Gen
Word Count: 706
Characters/Pairings: River/Eleven
Summary: River. Doctor. Body-Swap. Woohoo.
Notes: This was written for the
Hell in Heels ficathon over on the
spoiler_song community. This is in response to
jadethe2nd's prompt: River/Doctor (any Doctor), body swap. Thanks to both
r34dinglight and
owlsie for giving it a quick look-over before I posted it.
"Well. This is interesting."
How very strange it was to hear that spoken in his own voice. When he hadn't opened his mouth. Especially considering he was suddenly clear across the temple from himself. And had breasts. Very nice breasts. Very familiar breasts. And -he shifted once or twice to be sure- other bits.
"Sweetie." Yeah, not getting used to that any time soon. "Did you touch something?"
He opened his mouth, tried to reply, startled himself when he heard River's voice form the word, then cleared his throat -none too delicately- and tried again. "...No."
River laughed. Or he laughed. That is, River laughed in his body so it sounded like him laughing at himself. Which actually wasn't that unusual. Unlike the rest of this.
"So that's what I sound like when I lie," River replied.
"Maybe this is what you sound like when you tell the truth."
"Hmm. No. I think not."
"Why is it always my fault? You could've touched something. You're an archeologist. That's what you do. Poke things without understanding them."
"And that's different from what you do... how?"
The Doctor huffed. Concentrating very hard because he'd yet to meet a body-swapping machine that didn't cause vertigo, he turned around in a cocktail dress and high heels. Something he couldn't say he'd done in centuries, at least. Not that he usually told people about that. He tried not to talk about his sixth regeneration if at all possible.
Shaking the thought, he was delighted to find the simple move a success.
Which is when he saw his body standing across the room from him and, oh! The body might have been his but the body language was all River. Hand on hip. Eyes narrowed. Smug smirk. It really wasn't a good look on him. Which is probably why that sharp zing of excitement in the pit of his stomach disturbed him so much.
"All right!" he gave in. "I might've touched something."
"Yes, I thought as much," River said.
"Suddenly finding yourself in my body, touching the strange gemstone you told me under no circumstances to touch, gave it away?"
"Might've," she replied, doing that thing where she scrunches up her nose. Normally, he loved that scrunchy face. Still kind of did. Which was more than a bit not good. He tried to adjust his bow-tie and nearly gouged his throat instead.
"Try not to scratch the paint, dear." She began to cross the room toward him, adding a bit more swish to his hips than he thought that body had in it.
"Easy for you to say! My body doesn't have claws!"
"I suspect your body also isn't wearing pants. Do you have any idea how distracting that is? Pieces keep moving."
He was blushing. He didn't know River's body could blush. "Yes, well."
"How do you run? Doesn't it chafe?"
"You're one to talk!"
River just grinned. And came to a stop standing directly in front of him. It was strange, having to look up at himself like this. Both entirely and not at all like the ganger incident. There was that shameful, almost childish fascination that often caused the Doctor to take a couple moments with any passing mirror. But behind that, there was something else, some feeling of disconnect and freedom in the way River moved him. She could make him do anything. He had no control.
He'd never been so glad to be a woman. If he'd still been in a male body, this would have become embarrassing right about now.
River reached out and ran the back of his knuckle across her hip. "You have to admit, this fabric is heavenly. Almost feel. . . naked."
The Doctor couldn't hold in the giggle. She raised one of his eyebrows. "You're touching yourself," he explained.
"Oh, Doctor," she replied, leaning close for a kiss, "that's nothing new with you."
He might have squeaked.
"Of course, if you prefer, I could always touch you," she said and began to run his hands across his chest and down his body.
"We really shouldn't," he murmured.
"Name one reason why not."
"Desecrating a temple."
"Oh, sweetie," she purred, "I said name one reason why not."
He couldn't.
So they did.