Curiosity May Just Kill My Cat

Aug 14, 2007 11:46

Peanut mostly behaved while I was out of town this weekend. Nothing was ripped up, nothing too out of place. But all day yesterday he fought for my attention. Random meows and constant leg-marking with his cheeks. I'm used to all this.

Last night, though, he did something entirely new.

When I go to bed, I'm used to him coming up and lying next to me for a few minutes, sometimes snuggling up next to my legs, whatever. Last night, after a bit of this, he disappeared. While I was trying to fall asleep, I started feeling kicks from UNDER the bed, which he's never done before. I waited a few minutes, and he kept doing it.

I got out of bed and turned the light on, looking under the bed to find a kitty-sized bulge extending below my box-spring. That little fucker had clawed open the fabric on the bottom of my box-spring and crawled right in! He also had no idea how to get out - lol. I peeked through the opening and could see him, and reached my hand in to feel his paws extended, trying to find his way out. He wasn't panicked, but I was, or there would be photos -- since you almost would have to see this to believe it.

I ran downstairs and grabbed his treats to help coax him out... it only took a few minutes, but meant I was unable to sleep for a while. I put some packaging tape over the opening, and hopefully he won't try that again, but good grief!


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