Catching Up

Jan 28, 2007 18:58

Towards the end of the week I did a few notable things. First, I wrote an e-mail to the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, who provided CMC with a generous $20,000 grant to partially fund an executive director, and explained that even though it's been a year since the award, nothing has been done. After explaining the circumstances (which I won't get into here), our grant coordinator was very understanding and willing to extend the grant period until the end of 2007 provided we get our asses in gear. This is great news, because I really didn't want to have to give the money back - it would pretty much screw our plans, even though we've set the money aside just in case we had to return it. That was definitely good and forward thinking.

I also submitted a work-related grant application for $20,000 (what's with that amount? LOL) to help fund our EMR (electronic medical records) product. Who knows if we'll get it or not, but I wanted to take some initiative. Free money, right?

This weekend was CMC's rehearsal retreat, which of course means endless singing and exhaustion. After yesterday's rehearsals I met Justin boysnightout82 and a friend of Derek and Chris's (Rob W) for a nice dinner at Friday's. Justin and I spent some time at the "Sweet Fundraiser" - a chorus benefit full of desserts and boozeahol (and combinations of the two), before he took off to meet Rob at the bars and I went home to crash.

I had invited Justin to crash at my place for the night, so when he got in at like 3:00 we talked for a bit before I went back to bed. Peanut wasn't happy with him being there, and he spent the whole night under my bed. I don't think he came out for food, water, or even using his litterbox (no surprise there, right?)

When I woke up, he was still paranoid about coming out. Even when I coaxed him out with a few nibbles of food, he didn't want to eat from his bowl, and tried to cower in any hiding spot he could. It was the weirdest thing. A few hours after Justin left, he pretty much went back to normal, but it really wierded me out. Guess I need to get him used to more people!

Oh and today at rehearsal we worked on the dessert leftovers. Yum. :)

friends, peanut, cmc

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