Dec 15, 2011 03:44
I need to figure out some sort of system for meal planning because this whole 'play it by ear' thing isn't working and I'm sick of just shuffling off to the fridge to look for something that I 'feel like' eating.
I had to go grocery shopping.. well yesterday at this point, and when I was making my list I literally had no idea what to get. I can't survive off turkey dogs, cereal, and frozen yogurt. I get sick of it, and I know it's just not good for me.
I am sick of having to go to different grocery stores to get everything I need. Wal-Mart is generally where we go because, despite the fact that I loathe shopping there, it has everything and the prices ARE actually lower (sigh). I scour the weekly ads for Albertsons and Smith's and generally try to make trips to each of those places; Wal-Mart does not have a brand of bread that I like. Smith's and Albertson's both do. So that's already one thing I have to get somewhere besides Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart also does not sell clementines. Do not ask me why. I don't know if there is some sort of freaky situation where they just refuse to sell them or if the growers won't lower their price enough or what, but if I want Clementines I have to go to Smith's (possibly Albertson's, but I haven't bothered to look for them there because they are on sale at Smith's).
God I just cannot wait to get the fuck out of Montana.