When Shitty Things Happen

Nov 29, 2011 22:41

Sometimes it is really hard to feel good about the world when shit like this happens...

First, I should preface this with saying that Jeremy's family maybe doesn't acquaint themselves with the best "class" of people. They are very polite and as a result they maybe don't push away people that they should- but at the same time they've made friends that last a lifetime and who DON'T screw them over at every turn and who wouldn't otherwise have gotten a chance, so, you know, mileage may vary.

Anyway, today, one of Jeremy's old friends randomly showed up; he is the older brother of a current friend and is widely known to be sort of a screw up, but being the polite people that the Tudors are, when he popped over they invited him inside and Jeremy's younger brother was left to entertain him because his mom was doing housework and I was napping along with the other 2 people in the house. I got up after a bit because he was talking loud anyway, and then Jeremy got home. The guy said "long time no see!" and hung around awkwardly a bit, and then asked Jeremy's brother to look something up for him while he went to have a smoke.

A minute or so after he was out of the door Jeremy noticed that the most expensive watch he's ever owned, a 10-year anniversary gift that he got from his job (YESTERDAY) was missing. After looking for it thoroughly, I told him he could go check the mail to see if the guy was actually out there smoking..

And well I'm sure you can guess the rest. He wasn't smoking. He distracted us with his pointless request about whether or not they ever made a new Tekken game, and then he swiped the fucking watch and left.

We filed a police report and called some pawn shops to be on the lookout for it, but most of the day was spent with Jeremy's family saying how they "Should have known" and stuff and Jeremy more sensibly coming home after work to say that if it came down to giving an old friend the benefit of a doubt or turning him away for no *real* reason that a watch that he didn't pay for in the first place was a small price to pay.. which is really rather sensible because, frankly, they can say all they want that we should have been more careful, shouldn't have let him in, etc, but what it comes down to is that it was a shitty thing for the guy to do and there really wasn't any way we could have known he'd do that - when I'm pretty sure the *real* reason he came over was to use a computer and our phone - the watch was probably an impulse thing.

Anyway I'm going to be extra careful about door locking now and stuff since he HAS been in here and seen all the computers and stuff we have. Jeremy's dad also threw a hissy fit about the downstairs window curtain being pulled back- no one copped to it, so he got even more pissy but most of us are 90% sure it's Jeremy's older brother that's doing it.

That is one thing that drives me crazy, though. Since Jeremy's older brother will outright deny things, no one ever really confronts him about it, and the anger gets spread around the whole house.. very stressful.

But back to the original post- Jeremy's really nice $400 watch that he hadn't even had for 24 hours got stolen right out from under our noses, and that really fucking makes me wonder WHY bad shit has to happen like that. I mean, the fucking nerve!

What really gets me is just the unfairness of it all. I mean, okay, I get it- Life isn't fair, blah blah blah. But DAMNIT. The guy.. just.. How can you do that to someone? NO regard whatsoever for other people.. anyway I'm not proud but I found his email on facebook and I shot off a few anonymous emails telling him he should be ashamed.

Fingers crossed that he pawns it here in town so that we'll get it back; I don't foresee an arrest or anything of that sort, but it would be really nice to get it back.
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