Talking (writing) helps me work out kinks

May 03, 2015 17:24

Alright, so, I don't generally think ahead when write, I only ever have the vaguest idea of plot points, and all of them are always thought about when chatting with friends, so they're always worded like 'and then x does this and y responds in this way' with no context or, you know, actually connection to the plot I currently have, which gives me situations such as this:

I have written myself into a corner and it's frustrating as fuck. If I hadn't already posted, I could just rewrite, but I posted it because I'd already re-written it a few times. God damn it, why is it so hard to characterise people? Like, write yourselves you lazy buggers.

Alright, okay. I can do this, all I have to do is think of the appropriate reaction that an ex-KGB agent would have upon finding out that his beloved grandson is fucking an English spy, the very same English spy that informed the family of his sons death, who he's probably had contact with before in an official capacity (maybe? Or maybe it was Merlin who's come across him in an offical capacity before, and there's an idea. Harry would know Victoria, of course, she's an English legend, but mayhap Merlin's come across Ivan before???? I really don't need any more plot points to work into this.)

How would you react?

I... would not react favourably, since I can have a rather explosive temper and very few people can reign me in.

Ivan seems like he would be more controlled. Well, outwardly controlled, until he shoots you in the stomach.

I feel like Ivan would really like to kill Harry. But he makes his Sasha happy, so Ivan will grumble and threaten but not actually do anything. Eh, maybe.

Gah, this is so hard. Alright, previous scene ends with Ivan going 'mate, haven't seen you in fucking ages. in fact, last time i heard about you was through my daughter in law telling me and Vita that my precious son was dead under your watch.' And then cut scene.

Imagine the silence. Harry's trying to be polite to his lovers grandfather, but, equally politely, the grandfather has rubbed the fact that you're responsible for his fathers dead in his face. How do you be polite in the face of that?

Eggy's sitting in horrified silence, trying to come up with any sort of distraction, while Roxy's amused but also concerned.

Merlin is... hmmm, Merlin is providing a distraction? Merlin's a good sort, he's not going to leave his lovers hanging out to dry. Unless, of course, for revenge. But this is not such a situation, so Merlin will get them out of it, bitching at them all the while.

Yes? Yes. I can avoid the confrontation entirely until later, just by having Merlin interrupt (or, have something interrupt, Valentine, maybe?) and that way I can give myself a little breathing room. And, this way, in the background of all the scenes I can have Iva glaring bloody murder at Harry whilst smiling with too many teeth, Eggsy being utterly mortified and Harry trying very hard to make a good impression on Eggsys grandfather, even though it's probs not going to happen.

Awkwardness abounds, aw yeah.

Scene should maybe progress something like this -

(Muffled thump from wherever they've stashed valentine)

Eggsy jumps up, not particularly wanting to leave them alone, but 100% willing to get the fuck out of dodge because, holy fuck, this is the most awkward fucking thing he's ever experienced and he's had to deal with discovering that his grandparents are in a threesome with his favourite uncle. THey all follow along and, fuck, dunno, interrogate Valentine? Not that it particularly matter over much at the moment, as the plan can't proceed without valentine. Not that they know that, but they will.

Plane time; aw yeah, planes are fucking awesome. This plane will be awkward, however, with Valentine unconscious in one corner, Roxy standing vicious guard, Harry and Eggsy curled up near each other, but carefully not tocuhing since Ivan is watching them closesly. Soooo closely.

Eggsy's planning a quick escape once they hit the tarmac, go to kingsman and leave his grandfather at the airport with a hug and a kiss and a 'see you at chirstmas.' but nothing in life is that easy and, while Eggsy is trying to facilitate his escape, in storms his grandmother, who Ivan might called whilst the others were otherwise occupied, and thus she knows about Harry and Eggsy.

She's calm, she's composed. She's completely willing to emasculate Harry Hart at the slightest provication.

Eggsy's really thinking about taking a transfer to Puerto Rico. Surely, *surely*, there he can escape the embarrassment he's dying of. Then again, considering his family and friends, probs not, eh?

writing, rambles, work shopping, red

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