I think I might've accidentally electrocuted myself a teeny bit, btw. My fingers are still tingling.

Jul 03, 2015 22:09

You know when you read a story, and it's just so wonderfully well written that it moves you? Well, fuck me, that just happened. And I love it everytime it does, but this time I got called away just before the end and, more importantly, just after the big reveal and I thought that all there was left was, you know, death and no reconciliation.

So after being completely, horrendously moved by this story, I had to mull on the fact that there was no happy ending, there's no possible way there could be a happy ending, not within canonical bounds, because they're on opposite sides; I have to be content, not happy but content, with the fact that that's how this story ends.

And I was fine with it. Not ecstatic, and barely even fine, but I liked it. The realism of it. Here I am, a person who avoids reading stories without happy endings, because realism can get the fuck out of my romance, and I really, really liked this ending. It wasn't unhappy (okay, it kinda was), it was just... it rounded the story out really well, I felt. I had dinner and most of a footy game to decide that it was the perfect almost ending.

And then I went back and finished reading it and...

Happy Ending. Or, if not sunshine and roses, than reconciliation with a positive view of the future. Which, don't get me wrong, I fucking loved, aw yeah, but I'd just spent so long deciding that I didn't need it to be a happy ending, and I got back and read what I thought was the end, when there was an epilogue.

At most, I thought one would die in the others arms, and they'd reach maybe a peace between themselves before the end.

Either way, loved it. 10/10, will read again at some point.

(Help, I've fallen back into DC and can't get up.)

Also, reading it has made me really want to write. Just... not what I'm supposed to. Maybe I'll just go and write smut and then find a way to work it into my stories. Seems legit.


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