Things to do:

Jun 29, 2015 21:24

  1. Write
  2. Write
  3. Clean my room
  4. Mother fucking wriiiiiiiite.
  5. Draw
​*jazz hands*

Alright, aaaaalright, you know what, fucking, you know what?? I'm gonna do it. RIght now, I'm gonna actually shove my fucking hands into one of my inception rb fics. Yeah, just fucking tear it to shreds and work it until I like it. And then Red, yes, because I haven't updated that in aaaages. But, like, I was thinking for that (actually, a reviewer suggested it to me) different perspective! I'd thought of it before, but then dismissed it in order to beat my head against the wall that is trying to continue the scene. So maybe, yeah, that's a good idea? Yeah.

Or I could just time skip, and fuck everyone over. Especially Ella <3 because I swear she almost threw something at me when I suggested it. Bwa ha ha.

But like, should I do Merlin being all, 'I am calm, I am zen, I have my gun, now all I have to do is get them away from the Russia- Grandfather? Zen, yes, I am calm, there is no need to shout, I am so fucking zen I swear to god, Harry shut your fucking mouth before I shut it for you' or Ivan being like 'Ah, look at my grandson, мой внук, and... his ... I know that man. But, no hard feelings, eh? I mean, who haven't I tried to shoot at one point? What's an assassination between friends? Now, sit down and we will talk. I have here this gun, but I will not need that if you hurt my boy, oh no. Now, this hammer-'

Or maybe just have Valentine wake up or something, and interrupt them, and Eggsy's there crossing himself and saying he's gonna start going to church or something, because that was fucking divine intervention, right fucking there.

...Where the fuck is my art book?????

No mames, I can't have fucking lost it, I clearly need to clear my fucking room. And put up those art prints.

(And stop getting back into DC, fucking hell - I thought I broke up with DC??? Apparently not. Fuck them. Fuck Batman, fuck the Batfamily, fuck Blue Beetle and fucking Wonder Woman, and fucking fuck Super Boy, and especially Red Hood, you cunting cunt.

Yes, I have been reading my way through all of DC for the past week instead of actually, you know, anything worthwhile.)

writing, rambles, personal, fanfic, red

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