Of current obsessions.... aka what is real life?

Jul 11, 2012 14:05

Gah! Damn you comics! You've got me shipping. Shipping so hard. And right now you are really, really stressing me out about the fate of said ship. Please please please, I just found this OTP a couple weeks ago, don't take it away so soon!
Also, please  please don't fracture my favorite team. I love them all and don't want any of them to leave!! ('Cept the newbies. Don't care 'bout them yet.)

(Probably getting overworked here, and it'll all be temporary comicbook drama that'll get resolved happily soon after. *hopes* I trust PAD not to mess things up for the long run, provided this whole Marvel NOW thing does shake everything up. Makes me glad I wasn't reading when Fear Itself came out. *hugs my Winter Soldier*)

Going to go catch up on tv shows when I get home to feel better...
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