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Apr 27, 2012 00:42

Well, have to admit, when thinking about Vegas, it is very easy to underestimate how utterly HUGE everything is. 'Cause good lord, it is very big. Just got back from an overnight trip with my mom. She was invited by a friend of her's to join her for a sort of company conference dinner, and I just tagged along, because why not? I'm currently unemployed with no day to day plans, and its a heck of a lot better than sitting at home doing nothing. Plus, roadtrip.

Oh, the roadtrip. Never fails to impress how breathtakingly gorgeous Arizona can be. Perfect day for driving. Wednesday was overcast the whole trip, so no glaring sun. All the palo verde's in bloom, and the 93 through Wickenberg up to Kingman goes right through the joshua tree forest, which was really cool. Wickieup is prossibly the cutest backcountry town name ever. Listened to my mom's iPod, which had all the appropriate 60s era  music for such drives (Supernatural is totally awaking a new appreciation for such classic rock, so yeah). And Savage Garden for some middle school nostalgia. On the way back stopped by the lookout on the new bridge by the Hoover Dam. Wow was it ever windy. Gorgeous sunset on the mountains driving back today.

So yeah, some people might claim that this was a total waste of a Vegas trip. After all, I didn't touch any alcohol, go to any bars/clubs, do any gambling, see any shows, etc. Pretty much I was on my own while my mom was at dinner with her friend, so I walked up and down the Vegas Strip, from the MGM Grand to Treasure Island. Which, for those with no maps, is not a short distance, but heck with no shortage of spectacle was pretty fun (and is totally going to count towards my Grand Canyon training, 'specially with all those elevated pedestrian bridges. Man, those sidewalks can be a maze.) Did stop to eat dinner and watch some of the free touristy spectacles like the Bellagio Fountain and the TI Pirates. WHICH IS TOTALLY NOT JUST BECAUSE OF THAT PAGE IN X-FACTOR #209 WHERE SHATTERSTAR JUMPS UP ON THE SHIP AND INTERUPTS THE ACTORS.

Ok, so that totally was my reason. Also for my slight disappointment at missing the volcano. And for going in general. (Realizing this isn't even the first time that a comic book has been my primary motive for visiting a city...) I just have a great deal of love for the X-Factor in Las Vegas story arc, okay? And now having been to Vegas, I am not at all surprise that there could be a horde of zombie viking warriors down the Strip and no one would bat an eye.

Yeah, if only we all had Longshot's luck..
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