Oct 06, 2011 14:48
Three in a row this is amazing. I havent posted this much since I opened my LJ account in highschool, a good 10 years or so ago. Ah those were the days... or not, I hated highschool. But that was the then and this is the now, yay!!! But anyways, maybe I should get into the habit of writing this blog cos really if anything it makes me look like Im actually doing work at work when Im stuck in the staffroom, rather than the reading a million fanfics which is what I am usually doing.
So Im at my biggest school today and its all sunny outside so life is pretty good. Though I still have a list or random white I need to do, I went one step further today and actually wrote my list on a piece of paper. I wrote on here yesterday about all the random stuff i should do, but pretty much I got home, had a shower and lay on the floor infront of the TV for 4 or so hours before finally getting up and moving to my bed. Bloody rain drained all my powers.
Today however I do not have time for any of that cos Im going over to a friends place for dinner, and when you do that in Japan you're kinda expected to bring some kind of food, possibly a dessert. Now I finish work/get home from work about 5pm and then Ive to be at this person's place by 6pm so that leaves very little time to be rushing about getting ready or shopping. But since I have to bring something I have to run about and go shopping, plus I ran out of breakfasty type foods this morning (actually I ran out last night, but as I said I did absolutely nothing productive last night so I had a pizza pocket for breakfast today). So in short I wrote a list.
Today's classes were OK I suppose, Im at my biggest school so I only had 6th grade today. 2 classes got through everything, the other 2 were a little slow. IDK Matt can pick up the slack next week. Since the school is so big, its the only one we both go to at the same time every week so instead of switching it up every 3 weeks we switch it up every week here. Seriously I have the most confusing schedule ever, I swear the worst part of being teacher is trying to schedule everything that has to happen and keep track of everything that hasn't quite happened yet. The worst is when things that are supposed to happen dont quite happen and then you have to go and rethink what you were going to do afterwards as the flow is all interrupted and your whole system collapses. Stop breaking the system people!!!
Anyways, classes today were alright, tonight I shall be super super busy with shopping and visiting, and I still havent dont half the cleaning I was supposed to do yet. Ah well, at least I managed to put the bin out and post off my Juniors FC application this morning. Even if it did mean almost missing the Baby Train.
I just got asked to come to the school's festival on Nov 5. Down side, its a Saturday. Upside, high amounts of free food. I think I might just go, I still havent completely lost my uni student thought processes, the strongest of those being to never turn down free food!!!
real life