May 04, 2011 10:30
OMG I feel like I havent dreamed in forever, and this was a good one in its range of characters.
It was going so well and then work had to ring... work whom I am on annual leave from as of today. Why do they call me, why?
So I was called up to be part of SM Entertainment's newest collab group. I was the only girl, there was a jap guy, two korean guys, a chinese guy who looked suspiciously like Hankyung and who was seemingly my best friend in our group. Fortunately for me all in the group could speak English or Jap to some degree, unfortunately no one outside the group could.
As cute little Hoobae's we went to visit Super Junior for unknown reasons. Heechul was fawning over us for being tiny and cute and laughed at me when I called him Noona... and then told me to call him Unni. Then Henry walked in and Hankyuk lookalike and I were trying to decide whether he was older or younger than us in Jap. Heechul tried to tell us in Jap that Henry was three years older than us, but only manages to tell us that Henry was 3yo.
As we were discussing (in Jap) how mature Henry looked for someone who was supposedly only 3. Sungmin walked in and overheard us and started laughing cos he speaks Jap somewhat. As he is cute and bully-able, I immediately jumped on him to explain exactly what was going on because in the lack of communal language in the room things were getting confusing really quickly.
And then work rang.
Why must they destroy the first truely interesting dream Ive had in ages?