So I stayed up late last night to watch the live feed of the SPN premiere. Not sure how I feel about it being on Friday (Saturday for me) now, but I imagine I will appreciate it when I get a job. It was amusing watching parts of Smallville before it came on. I didn't even realize that show was still around!
Exile on Main Street
*Love the new title card with the glass breaking! I saw a lot of people debating about what it was going to be, but I never could have guessed. It will be interesting to see how it ties in with the new season.
*The opening montage set to Beautiful Loser was awesome! I liked how they paralleled Dean's domestic life with the hunting and his life with Sam.
*Lisa actually turned out to be okay. I like her as a character, but I wish we had seen more of Dean doing cute fatherly stuff with Ben. Who seems a lot older and more serious now, by the way.
*I'm glad YED being back ended up being a hallucination. I did enjoy his allusions to Cas and the sugar and spice thing, though.
*Sammy's prayers to Cas weren't answered?? WTH are you doing up there, Cas? XD
*Sam not telling Dean he was back was just as ridiculous and painful as anticipated. I just feel like there's no way he can justify it after what he went through when Dean was in hell. I do understand his reasoning of wanting Dean to have a normal life, but come on! How normal is Dean's life going to be while he thinks his brother is burning in hell? And I had a hard time believing that Bobby could go along with it either, although I know he did lose his perfect apple pie life, so maybe he's not seeing things clearly.
*I have mixed feelings on the Campbells. I liked the idea of them, but the way it played out didn't really work for me. I did enjoy Dean telling them off about his hunting ability, though. And I couldn't help but be happy for Dean when he was hugged by Samuel.
*It's going to take some adjusting for me to get used to the idea of Dean being hugely invested in Lisa and Ben. I hope them being in danger isn't a major theme of the season.
*Kind of random and silly having Sam fight off the Djinn with golf clubs.
*Interesting twist with the Campbells. What exactly are they doing with that Djinn that they have to hide from the boys. Is Grandpa going to end up being the big bad of the season?
*The ending was so painful to watch! I really think I am too invested in this show. The worst part was when Dean offered Sam the Impala and Sam was just like 'No thanks,' like it was nothing. Well, that and when he said 'It was nice seeing you again,' like he barely knew Dean. So horrible! Not sure how happy I am about their relationship being so distant and forced. I assume we will later find out the reason for Sam's coldness, but still. I really hope the writers know what they're doing!
So overall not my favorite episode, but there were some interesting bits and hopefully things will get better. Not sure if I will be staying up till 3 to watch it next weekend. XD
Now off to watch the Fringe premiere! I mainlined Season 2 last week so that I would be caught up for the premiere and it was so worth it!