In Which They Watch Star Trek

Jun 12, 2009 13:00

Title: In Which They Watch Star TrekAuthor: cielo_claro
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: House/Wilson, established relationship.
Summary: Humorous crack involving Star Trek and pon farr. Dialogue only, and sans beta.
Disclaimer: House, MD is property of NBC/Universal, David Shore, Katie Jacobs, et. al and I am in no way claiming ownership of any characters involved. I intend to receive no monetary benefit from this work and intend no copyright infringement.

In Which They Watch Star Trek

"God, you are such a nerd."


"It's Friday night, none of your patients are dying, I don't even have a patient, and we're watching Star Trek."

"Shut up, I know you taped all of the original episodes when you were a kid."


"Somebody has to talk to your mother when she calls."

"Is this the one where Spock has to have sex or he dies?"

"Has to have sex or he dies?"

"Jeez, and you're the one who wanted to watch it."

"What do you mean 'has to have sex or he dies?'"

"Just watch."

"Why can't you go into pon farr every once in a while?"

"Because it sounds terrifying!"

"Driven by a mystical 'fever' to have sex? Wilson, I think you're missing the point."

"Spock doesn't seem to like it very much."

"That's cause Spock has a stick up his ass."

"Just because he doesn't want to be taken over by animalist desire to-"

"Tall words for a man who can't go more than a few days without jumping me in the shower."


"See now, that wasn't too bad."


"What! House-"

"Oh god, Wilson!"

"House, what's wrong? Is it the leg-"

"I'm being overcome by... pon farr!"

"... I hate you."

dialogue, house/wilson, fic, paging dr. house, star trek is for cool kids, why do i even try

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