Do you love me?

May 05, 2010 00:12

Well, do you?

I thought so.

If you do, go play my friend nomadicdragon a visit at her Etsy store. She has some of the best soap I've ever seen. It's genuinely good soap that smells wonderful, and it's entertaining.


(she totally bought this mold just for me)

nomadicdragon is good people. She's a smart, caring woman who's funny as all hell, who sends people (me) hilarious and thoughtful care packages just because, she'll do damn near anything for a friend, and she's got the funniest dog on the face of the planet. Her soaps are good prices, and honestly, the only bar soap I use. Except for this one local company. So, go visit her. And buy something. Trust me, you'll be happy you did. I can recommend specific fragrances if you want me to.

be excellent, public service announcement, friends

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