Jul 26, 2015 10:07
Naturally when things are up in the air, and to add to all that, my income and my rent. My rent taking up 50-60 percent of my monthly income and having to rob Peter to pay Paul, and reverse course when I can, basically doing what I can to keep my head above water. It is not helped by not checking my budget to see where it's at at the moment and check my credit report through Mint since all three credit bureus have updated since the last potential breach of my credit card. I'm hoping I am stying at 680 and above. I also need to pay down or off the electric bill, but can't do that until the August paychecks. I get a third paycheck this month this coming Friday and it's all rent so gotta leave some to pay that and have SOME funds for gas and food for TWO WEEKS. Ugh.
I'm completely at a loss as to where to begin, other than try to find a suitable positoin elsewhere within my employer, even if at another site since my current site is being turffed, outside of lease and and copier fleet management.
So gotta get answers and form a plan, and I hope to find some of those answers this coming week.
Meanwhile, I have laundry drying and I gotta tackle the kitchen as it's a mess.
Then this afternoon try to see just where I am budget wise and go from there and need to go over the photos from my cell phone of last Saturday when at Pt Defiance for a family gathering.
Otherwise, it's cloudy out there and we are supposed to get showers and thundershowers this afternoon and one of the things I need to do, post haste is get rid of garbage and recyclables as they over runneth my kitchen, so to speak. :-(
So with that, should get off my ass and get a movin' and maybe that'll help ease things a little in the emotional department for a time.
domestic chores,