Jun 14, 2015 08:26
Didn't get as much done as I'd initially planned but did get a few good things accomplished nonetheless.
Got two loaves of bread at Franz Bakery in the SODO and then went to Pacific Galleries to poke around, didn't buy anything, didn't need to, but love to see what they have nonetheless. I just love that place as it carries a lot of post war modern stuff that I like.
Then it was head home. Not sure what was going on but part of 4th Avenue was closed off at the off ramp from I-5 north so traffic was AWFUL when I left the gallery early afternoon and ended up on Airport Way, NB and could have taken Dearborn, but not sure what I was thinking as it takes me right to Rainier Ave and took it up to Jackson St, which does the same thing, though to turn left, gotta turn one block before Rainer at 12Th Ave and it'll take one right onto Boren, which is what I needed. Once on Jackson St, traffic was more than fine there all the way home.
Some quick lunch, a nap, and I began to work on the living room for a bit. Goal was to undo the corner where a small Mexican tiled table sat with a tall living room lamp, one of 2 Thai candlesticks that I still have that my late father had made into lamps in the late 60's after his trip to Vietnam in '68 while still in the Air Force. He would retire from the AF in 1971.
From that I restacked boxes in the corner, crossing off old labels from previous movers as I got most of the boxes free from either Craig's List, or found them down by the dumpsters in my building. I will have to toss a few when done as they've split and or have done one too many moves etc. The rest, I'll pass onto the next person that needs them. :-)
Anyway, once that was done I now have WAY more room in the living room, and rolled up my little oriental rug as well and now my speakers to my stereo are less blocked by boxes and stuff. It looks SO much better, and a bit more organized. In the process, found my wireless nic! I had tossed it into a box that needs to be filled up more that I forgot I had done so. I knew I'd put it somewhere.
Then took the time to download Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, dumped it to CD and installed it while I did other things, like setup and play Old Skool, a Reel to Reel tape I made last year with that deck and got to enjoy listening to it on headphones and enjoy the late evening for a bit. Lovely. BTW, now that SP2 has been installed, I was able to setup the WPS secure setup for my nic, and BOOM, I has internetz for my media center! Opera saw the nic and it seems to work great, the "server" within now seems stable. I just hope it is stable enough and good enough to allow file transfers to happen between it, and the big Dell. I'll know soon enough.
I've also played some vinyl too yesterday, one being It Aint Easy by Three Dog Night that was released in 1969, though mine is a trashed copy. Playable for the most part, but has scratches on both sides, with some so bad that a couple of songs can't be played properly. Hey, I DID get it for 25 cents years ago, at I think the now defunct Cellophane Square Records here in Seattle. Anyway, it's on the original black Dunhill/ABC label at that.
I also fixed a delicious meal of a brat patty, some homemade fries and peaches, along with wine to wash it all down. Yum.
Today, I plan on updating Mint, work on my LinkdIn profile a bit, and get the kitchen cleaned up and do laundry amongst other things. Another lovely day out there with the temps around 79/80F or so. So overall, this weekend may be productive and nice for a change.
domestic chores,