Nov 04, 2012 20:39
As I go through the voter's pamphlet tonight, at least part of it anyway (and there are 2 of them).
Been going through initiatives, and came upon I-74, which is to allow same sex marriage, and to preserve domestic partnerships for seniors only, but DOES allow for the right of clergy or religious organizations to refuse to perform, recognize, or accommodate any marriage ceremony.
I largely support this initiative, as I want same sex marriage, but what I do dissagree with is the preservation of clergy or religious organizations to deny or recognize, or accommodate any marriage ceremony.
Why is it that religious organizations get all the exemptions, and be a 501C non profit? Seems to me, if you ARE going to be a non profit, you can't discriminate against anyone, and that would include religious organizations too, I would think, but it seems that everyone, including the IRS is taking a blind eye to them and thus many have been going after those they don't approve of and trying to deny them full rights as citizens if at all possible, us gays being a prime example of this, just because the Bible supposedly says so.
I say, let's hold religious entities, no matter who they are, accountable for their actions and we'll see how many of them cease to exist, and/or clean up their acts.
With a few exemptions, I'm beginning to have major negative views of religion as a general rule, especially the Christian/overly conservatively Christian sects, and yes, that includes Mormonism.
Maybe at some point, that clause on preserving religious refusal etc can be revoked at a later date if need be.
gay marriage,
religious bigotry