Title: Questioning
Disclaimer: Don't own, just borrowing
Pairing: Benson/Cabot duh
Summery: A new case and a phone call lead Alex and Olivia into one another’s arms.
Rating: PG-13 to R (mainly for violence and the like)
A/N: Holy Crap! This is my fifth installment of my 'Action' series. First is
Inviting and then
Cooking. Enjoy.
A/N2: I know it's been a helluva long time since I last updated, but...well writing just wasn't my top priority for awhile, but now that things are kind of settling down hopefully I can update. Thanks for everyone that still reading, you make my day and make this little Smurph go SQUEE! ^.^
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4 -=-
“Someone get the name of the truck that hit me?” It was the first thing Olivia could think of as she came back to consciousness and the light chuckling let her know that she wasn’t alone. Dark eyes, clouded slightly by pain and drugs, fluttered open and focused on the faces surrounding her. Elliot, Cragen and, surprisingly Alex, were sitting around, staring at her worriedly, though relief was creeping into their features.
“Sorry to say that it was a pooch that kicked your ass, tough guy,” Elliot chuckled.
“Eh, it was a big freakin dog.” She sat up slowly, grimacing as her world swam, knocking her back onto her pillow. “Shit.”
“Careful,” Alex said quickly, beginning to stand before sitting back just as quickly.
“What happened?”
“Turns out Mitchell liked to get his dog high. The pooch was high as a kite. Anyways it’s dead, Mitchell is in the prison’s intensive care unit with multiple charges, one of which being the murder of Chelsea Dunum, and is awaiting trial. Our dear Ms. Cabot here has an open and shut case.” Cragen said, patting Alex on the shoulder. Olivia let her eyes linger on the blonde, noting the tense body and clenched jaw. Her gaze caught onto Alex’s and she silently asked what was wrong. Her only answer was for the blonde to look away.
“So when can I get out of here,” Olivia asked, hiding her hurt.
“Liv, you have deep bite marks to your forearm and hand, multiple bruises on your back and a possible concussion,” Elliot replied. “You aren’t going anywhere till the doctor gives the okay.”
“So go get him so he can. I’ll just relax at home and,”
“Ha!” Elliot scoffed.
“When you get out of here, you’re going to go home then go straight to work,” Cragen replied. “I don’t think you should be left to your own devices.”
Olivia glanced at the still quiet blonde, worried at her continued silence. She glanced at her partner and nodded her head at the blonde, asking her question silently. Elliot shook his head and shrugged.
Frustrated Olivia willed Alex to look at her, but the blonde simply stared at a spot on the bed.
“Come on Cap. Let’s see if we can find the doctor to see and if we can find somethin’ to knock lil’ ms. Hardhead out for awhile,” Elliot replied and Olivia flipped her partner off, but silently thanked him as the two left.
“Alex. Alex,” Olivia called, wincing as the raised voice made her head throb harder. But it did get Alex’s attention, who blinked as if coming out of a dream. “Are you okay?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” The words were soft and though she tried to hide it Olivia could hear the hesitation.
“Hey. Come here,” Olivia held out her hand, willing Alex to take it. It took a moment, but the A.D.A. stood and sat on the edge of the bed. “Talk to me. What is it?”
Again silence.
“Hey,” Slowly Olivia scooted closer until she could wrap her arms around the stiff A.D.A. There was some resistance at first before Olivia had to wrap her arms tighter around the blonde to keep her limp form from sliding off the bed.
“I’m so mad at you right now,” Alex whispered, nuzzling into Olivia’s shoulder.
“What’d I do?”
“Did you have be such a cop? You’ve chased down bad guys, but can’t get out of the way of a dog?”
“It was a big dog, in my defense,” Olivia said, pulling Alex closer. Her back and head were killing her, along with the bite marks to her arm and hand. But the warm press of Alex’s body soothed her. They’d caught the bad guy and given little Chelsea justice, could this day get any better?
‘Wow I think that vicodin’s kickin’ in.’
“Now I know why I didn’t want to date a cop.”
Alex’s soft words stopped her cold. “What?”
“You better be glad you’re so cute,” Alex whispered, pulling back and caressing Olivia’s cheek. Olivia let out a relieved breath, earning a soft chuckle from the A.D.A. “I don’t give up that easily Detective.”
“Good to know,” Olivia said softly, moving her head down to capture the soft lips that she always wished to taste. Alex hummed softly into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Olivia’s neck and pulling herself even closer.
“Well…looks like you’re in good hands,” An amused voice said from the doorway, startling the two women into separating quickly. Elliot stood at the door, a shit-eatting grin on his face. “The doc says that as long as you have someone to watch over ya you can leave sometime tonight. He just wants to keep you for a few more tests to make sure you head isn’t too loose. At least no more then usual. But I’d say you’ll defiantly be in good hands.”
“Thanks El,” Olivia grumbled, unable to hide the smirk when she felt the heat of Alex’s blush warm her shoulder.
“No problem,” He turned to leave, waving over his shoulder. “I’ll come check on ya tomorrow.” He paused in the doorway, turning with a thoughtful look on his face. “Should I come to your place or Alex’s?”
“Thank you Elliot. See you later,” Olivia yelled, glaring at her friend who only chuckled and laughed. Despite her outward appearance Olivia was glad her partner was taking this well, even though she knew she was going to get a helluva lot of teasing for awhile. Oh well.
“I can’t believe he saw us,” Alex grumbled, finally pulling back. Red still stained her cheeks.
“It’ll be fine. Elliot won’t say anything.”
“To anyone else. But I get the feeling that you’re going to get a lot of teasing.”
“Oh yeah,” Olivia chuckled, hissing as her injuries decided to make themselves known. Alex pulled back, her blue eyes darkening with worry. Olivia started to lean back, wincing again when the scratches on her back were disturbed. “Dumb dog.”
Alex chuckled and stood up. “Get some rest Liv. I’ll be by later to pick you up since it seems I’m taking care of you for awhile.”
“You don’t mind?” Olivia asked, shifting onto to her uninjured side, glad when it put her back to Alex to hide her unsureness. She wasn’t sure where this unease was suddenly coming from, but she defiantly didn’t like it.
A warm hand brushed along her hair line, tucking stray hairs behind her ear before warm lips caressed her forehead. “Not at all. See you in a few hours.”